Start-up of OTTO JUNKER melting furnaces at JSC MPRR
Customer: JSC Magnitogorsk Plant of Rolling Rolls
The project started on 30.06.2015
30.06.2015 at JSC Magnitogorsk Plant of Rolling Rolls (member of MMK Group, Magnitogorsk) started-up two medium-frequency melting crucible induction furnaces OTTO JUNKER (Germany) with capacities of 4 tons and 6 tons.
As a result of commissioning of advanced technologies for metal melting, JSC MPRR will receive new types of products. From the interesting, the melting complex is equipped with multi-frequency technology (mixing) 250/125 Hz. Using multi-frequency technology, you can start melting at the optimum frequency (250 Hz) and then use a lower frequency (125 Hz) for higher turbulence of the metal bath melt for alloying/carburizing. The melting furnaces were delivered in a complex with an exhaust gas filtration unit with a capacity of 35,000 m3 per hour. With the help of the new OTTO JUNKER (Germany), melting furnaces JSC MPRR not only increased the productivity of metal melting, but also reduced electric energy costs by up to 20%.