Start up of a big industrial manipulator at OJSC Power Machines
Customer: OJSC Power Machines
The project started on 11.05.2017

11.05.2017 at OJSC Power Machines (St. Petersburg) commissioned ANDROMAT manipulator type «AMX 60 T3» produced by Henschel Industrietechnik GmbH (Germany). The manipulator’s task is to transfer the workpieces at T = 1200 C from the heating furnace to the horizontal forging press and to rotate the workpiece in the working space of the forging press. The manipulator has 7 degrees of freedom, and the operator needs to configure it as he prefer.
The trolley is driven by a hydraulic motor, with movement control switches from the operator panel. The drive is located inside the manipulator with two flange wheels for moving along a rail of type P50, the track length is 40 meters.