Commissioning of a new Arc furnace EAF-16 tonnes manufactured by Thermomelt (Italy) at VKM-Stal LLC, Saransk
The project started on 26.02.2020

On 26.02.2020, as a part of the first stage of modernisation at VKM-Stal, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, a modern electric arc steelmaking furnace — EAF-16 t — was commissioned.
The steelmaking furnace is equipped with a system of automatic dosing of ferroalloys supply which eliminates manual labour of steelmakers and makes it possible to improve the accuracy of the chemical composition of liquid steel in terms of alloying elements.
This equipment is designed for:
- melting scrap and heating metal (working with "swamp");
- performing oxidising and reducing processes;
- heating of metal and finalisation of the chemical composition of steel in terms of the content of main components with maximum accuracy.