RLM Group LLC at the XI Foundry Concilium

Published: 16.01.2019


On December 6-7, the event «Casting Concilium», has already become a tradition, took place in Chelyabinsk, where our company took an active participation.
Within the concilium, there were number of round tables organized for participants discussed for the foundry issues. On one of them, devoted to the topic «Melting furnaces and units, aspiration», our director, Artyom Kozlov, introduced to guests of the event our partner — the company OTTO JUNKER (Germany) and spoke about the main advantages of the melting equipment of this company and achievements over the past year.
Another round table was devoted to the issue of technology and quality in moudling, at which our specialist, Ilya Kuznetsov, made a presentation on the use of exothermic risers in foundry.
For our company, one of the most striking and memorable events of this concilium was the victory of the team named «Friendship», where one of participants was Ilya Kuznetsov, in the competition of professional skills. This competition was organized for the first time. Participants in a team of three people were asked to solve three production problems that foundrymans may face in real conditions. Winners adequately presented their companies and received a cup.
This victory was a beautiful conclusion to the successful participation of RLM Group LLC in the XI Foundry Concilium.
We thank the organizers of the event for the opportunity and created conditions for business and informal communication of foundry specialists, discussion of issues and exchange of experience.
We look forward to seeing you at the XII Foundry Concilium